17-18 MAY 2025
Welcome to our 3rd edition of EUROPEAN GRAND DANCE CUP. All participants must register no later than 31 April 2025. All participants may enter one or multiple entries in any categories. Number of entries will be on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to the amount of performance time available. EGDC is open to all amateur and professional dancers. Any dance school, academy, crew, or individual dancer has the right to participate.
By subscribing to the EGDC competition, all participants accept the official rules and regulations of the EGDC.
EGDC is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate information submitted in the online registration form.
Registration for European Grand Dance Cup has to be done online through the Registration Portal .
The place:
The classical dance studies are mandatory for all participants in the Ballet Solo category.
Students age 12 and under are strictly prohibited from performing en pointe.
Dancers competing in this category with a Solo moment will perform in classical dance studies. This class is mandatory for their final grade. In classical dance, the dancers will receive a grade for studies and one for variation .
The choice of every classical dance piece is free for every participant. We highly recommend choosing age-appropriate choreography. Participants/their teachers are responsible for all of their choreography and music copyrights.
Modern/Contemporary style should incorporate methods and techniques that are founded within the techniques of ballet, modern dance or postmodern dance, and the use of dance styles and techniques which are based on renowned expression of choreographers including: Martha Graham, Jose Limon, Merce Cunningham, Lester Horton, Alvin Ailey, Wayne McGregor.
Excessive use of acrobatic moves in this category may be penalized.
Lyrical dance is a dance style that combines elements of ballet and modern. A lyrical dancer uses movements to express strong emotions. This choreography should demonstrate balance, extension, isolations, and control utilizing the lyrics or mood of the music. Music with vocals and lyrics is preferred but not a rule.
Excessive use of acrobatic moves in this category may be penalized.
A choreography presenting a combination of disciplines or an original individual style, dynamic with a narrative and a cohesive theme.
The dance will show the typical style of dance from a certain country/countries. A traditional dance wearing traditional shoes should be entered into the national and folklore sections. The folkloric dance tradition must be preserved. The costumes and music must reflect the tradition of the country of origin.
In this category jazz dance elements and techniques are required. As long as the jazz dance vocabulary is used, the music can vary from classic jazz, theatre jazz, Latin jazz to modern-day music.
Musical theatre is a form of performance that should combine acting and dance. The story and the emotional content of a musical - humor, pathos, love, anger - should be communicated through the choreography.
Excessive use of acrobatic moves in this category may be penalized.
A choreography combining acrobatic elements/tricks and dance. Acrobatics and gymnastics should only be used if they are properly integrated and do not dominate the routine. Acrobatic Dance may contain flexibility moves or contortionist moves while it must contain dance moves, steps and choreography. A clear dance choreography must be present throughout the whole routine.
Street dance includes a wide range of styles made popular in the USA. This dance style can be seen in MTV music videos, advertising campaigns, on TV and in films. The accent is on presentation, style, expression, and performance.
Abusive language and violent expressions are forbidden in music and performance.
This choreography must have a clear theme or story which takes the viewer on an imaginary journey that has a beginning, middle and end. All dance styles are allowed. Choreography should be built up on idea and creativity accompanied by appealing costumes, strong presentation and expression.
NOTE: If a routine is registered and performs in an incorrect discipline as declared by the judges, it will be moved to the correct discipline. There won’t be a deduction of points.
2.1 HOBBY – maximum 4 hours of training/week
2.2 PROFESSIONAL – more than 4 hours of preparation/week
3.1 A competitor’s age is calculated on the 1st of April 2022.
3.2 In duets, trios, quartets, small groups and large groups the average age will determine the class age category.
3.3 EGDC reserves the right to ask for proof of age by means of a passport or an identity card/birth certificate.
Solo dancers may perform age and skill appropriate choreographed numbers, classical ballet repertoire variation!
* BABY/4.00 - 6.99 year old/
* MINI /7.00 - 9.99 years old/
* KIDS /10.00 - 12.99 years old/
* JUNIOR /13.00 - 15.99 years old/
* SENIOR /16.00 – 34.99 years old/
* VETERANS /35+ years old/
4. TIME:
* SOLO - 2:30 min
* DUO / TRIO - 2:30 min
* GROUP (4-8 dancers) - 3:00 min
* FORMATION (9-24 dancers) - 4:00 min
* PRODUCTION - 24+ dancers - 5:00 min
Number of dancers performing a routine are automatically compared to the number of dancers registered. Event Organizer may charge penalty fee when the number of dancers performing on stage exceeds the number of dancers registered in the EGDC Registration Portal. Penalty fee will be calculated by multiplying the actual number of dancers performing with the applicable Starting Fee for that event.
1. Solo - 40€ for each choreography
2. Duo / Trio - 30 € per participant for each choreography
3. Group / Formation / Production - 20 € per participant for each choreography
4. Classical Ballet Studies - 20 € per participant
The classical dance studies are mandatory for all participants in the Ballet Solo category. An additional fee of 20€ will be payed for this category.
The maximum scores are 30 points:
10 points – technique/ level of performance
10 points - composition, music, interpretation
10 points - image, originality, innovative, costumes, difficulty
Judges may offer personal comments on the scoresheet. All scoring recording will be done electronically and will be sent after the event to the School email (main registration email) or to the Independent participant`s email address.
If a competitor performs multiple entries in the same category, the highest score entry will be considered for the final ranking.
7. Music
Competitors should bring with them a backup copy of their music, either on a flash drive in mp3 or on a Audio CD.
8. Stage Appearance
The order of appearance is determined by the competition after registration deadline by latest 20 April 2024.
The competition takes place at the “Teatrul National de Opera si Balet Oleg Danovski”, Constanta. ·
Flat stage with linoleum dance floor.
8. Travel And Accommodation
Travel expenses to and from Constanta are the responsibility of the competitor.
Accommodation is the responsibility of the competitor.
Best Male Dancer Award, Best Female Dancer and Best Choreography Awards may be presented at the discretion of the jury.
All participants will receive EGDC certificate of participation.
The classical dance studies are mandatory for all participants in the Ballet Solo category. An additional fee of 20€ will be payed for this category.
1st day:
- Workshop Ballet
- Open/Show dance
- Acro dance
- Musical
- Jazz
- MTV * K-Pop * Street dance
EGDC reserves the right for promotional purposes to use any photo or video recording of participants performances during the Competition, Workshops for unlimited time.
EGDC reserves the right to transfer the usage of rights to third parties in part or whole.
EGDC has NON-REFUND policy. There will be no refunds made to dance schools for a cancellation of an entry. By making a purchase, you are confirming that you have read through our rules and understood our no refunds policy.